Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Economic, Political, and Social Change Worksheet

University of Phoenix Material Jenifer Hoang April 27, 2015 Economic, Social, and Political Change Worksheet Agricultural Revolution Respond to each of the following questions in two to three sentences: 1 What are the three most important factors contributing to the agricultural revolution in Europe? The three most important factors are advanced farming equipment, three field system, and warmer temperature. 2 How did the agricultural revolution change European society? Provide an example. The agricultural revolution changed European society for the better by providing more jobs to people the more new farming equipment was in demand and also helped people move ttheir lives away from farming itself and expand Europe. Industrial†¦show more content†¦A new mind set of reason took place. The role of women - The role of women changed drastically as they were now given more responsibilities in society along with jobs and incomes. 4 Science - Science no longer sounded like witch craft and research became a very important part of society as more and more questions needed answers. The drive to build newer and better everything was pushing science forward. 5 Anti-Semitism - Realism was on the rise as people began to question how and why towards certain rules, beliefs and traditions. People wanted to be free of the imaginative portrayal of life and wanted to see things for what they really were. Western Political Change between 1815 and 1870 Write two to three sentences per concept about how the following contributed to political change between 1815 and 1870: 6 Liberalism - Liberalism was on the rise as this was representative of the middle class of people in society. More care and importance was being given to the middle class through liberalism as it looked out for individual rights and needs. 7 Conservatism - Conservatism was slowly on the down fall as it was normally made by those who wanted the government to have more power over the people. 8 The alliance system - Rose up to defeat Napoleon Bonaparte. It also stood to maintain strength against future French upheaval. 9 TheShow MoreRelatedEnvironmental Risk Assessment931 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Risk Assessment Worksheet Name ENV/420 Date Instructor Risk Assessment Worksheet Ecological Risk Assessment Framework The framework of ecological risk assessment consists of a problem statement (formulation), risk analysis, risk characterization, and risk management. 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